Celebrating Cultural Heritage: Local and Arabic Literature and Publishers

Welcome to Menassah, where our passion for literature transforms every page you turn. Imagine a world where the finest local authors meet global storytelling, all under the comforting embrace of the Arabic language. Have you ever wondered which books top the charts in our diverse collection, or how we ensure that every order arrives at your doorstep, promising not just a book, but a journey?

Dive into our universe where bestsellers and hidden gems await your curious eyes, complemented by our unmatched service that makes every reading experience a memorable one. Stay with us, as we unfold the chapters of our story, revealing the heart and soul behind Menassah's curated shelves.

Introducing the Finest Local Writers

Let’s first begin by celebrating some of the finest local writers to ever grace the Arab world. If you’re interested in checking out any of their works, make sure to keep reading to learn a little more about them, starting with the man himself, Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi.

Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi

Esteemed ruler and cultural luminary, Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi stands as a towering figure in Arabic literature, enriching it with his deep historical and political insights. His extensive writings serve as a bridge between the rich tapestry of Arab history and contemporary thought, offering readers a unique window into the complexities of governance, tradition, and cultural identity in the Arab world.

His works are not just narratives but voyages through time, reflecting his profound commitment to preserving and sharing the heritage of his land.

Houriya Altaheri

Houriya Altaheri stands as a beacon of inspiration, seamlessly blending her fervor for football with the art of storytelling. As the first Emirati woman to break ground in sports and literature, she embodies the spirit of perseverance and resilience.

Through her compelling narratives, Houriya champions the power of dreams and the importance of forging one's path, offering a motivational roadmap for those daring to challenge the status quo. Her writings are a testament to the transformative power of passion and determination in overcoming obstacles.

Mahra Ali Alali

Mahra Ali Alali's literary canvas is rich with the vibrant hues of Emirati life, intricately capturing the delicate dance between cherished traditions and the pulsating rhythm of modernity. Her narratives serve as a vivid tableau, celebrating the enduring spirit and evolving identity of the local culture.

Through her storytelling, Mahra invites readers into the heart of contemporary Emirati society, offering a unique perspective that bridges generations and echoes the soul of the nation.

Dubai Abulhoul

Dubai Abulhoul stands as a beacon of creativity in Emirati literature, mesmerizing readers with her youthful and dynamic voice. Her literary creations delve into the realms of fantasy, weaving together the mystical and the mythical with the deep-rooted tapestries of Arab heritage.

Through her vivid storytelling, Dubai invites her audience into enchanting worlds where tradition and imagination blend seamlessly, offering a fresh and captivating exploration of Middle Eastern folklore and contemporary narratives.

Reem Mohammed Al-Kaabi

Reem Mohammed Al-Kaabi's literary oeuvre is a reflective exploration of the intricate emotional and societal fabric of the UAE. Her poignant prose and evocative poetry navigate the nuances of personal identity amidst the backdrop of the UAE's dynamic transformation.

Through her writings, Reem delves into the heart of Emirati culture, unearthing the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, and offering readers a window into the soul of a nation in flux.

Maryam Saqer Al Qasimi

Maryam Saqer Al Qasimi stands as a beacon in children's literature, weaving tales that captivate young minds while imparting valuable lessons. Her narratives are rich with Emirati folklore, bringing to life the vibrant tapestry of the UAE's heritage. Through her enchanting stories, Maryam not only entertains but also instills a sense of pride and belonging in the hearts of children, connecting them deeply with their cultural roots and traditions.

Hessa Al Muhairi

Hessa Al Muhairi's literary canvas is where education meets enchantment, painting stories that ignite a passion for reading in the hearts of young minds. Through captivating tales, she instills core values and virtues, serving as a mirror to the rich tapestry of Emirati culture.

Each narrative is carefully crafted to not only entertain but also educate, fostering a deep connection between the young reader and the profound morals embedded within the heritage of the UAE.

Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi

An influential commentator and writer, Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi is renowned for his insightful analyses on social, political, and cultural issues in the Arab world. His prolific writings not only offer critical perspectives but also foster a culture of dialogue and understanding, aiming to bridge the gaps between diverse communities.

Al-Qassemi's work extends beyond the written word, influencing public discourse and contributing to a more interconnected and informed society.

Al Anoud Al Azri

Al Anoud Al Azri's literary work is a profound exploration of the intricate tapestry of women's lives within the Gulf's evolving societal landscape. Through her compelling narratives, she delves into the heart of gender dynamics, identity, and the shifting roles of women in a traditionally patriarchal setting.

Her stories act as a mirror reflecting the nuanced challenges and triumphs faced by women, weaving a rich dialogue on the essence of feminine resilience and adaptation in the face of change.

Fatima Alaleeli

Fatima Alaleeli stands as a beacon of cultural preservation, delving deep into the realms of history and heritage with her evocative writings. Celebrating the rich tapestry of the Arab world, her narratives are more than mere stories; they are a vibrant homage to the enduring spirit and resilience of its people. Through her work, Fatima bridges generations, weaving the past with the present in a testament to the timeless legacy of Arab culture.

Discover the Best-Selling Books in the UAE

At Menassah, we stock best-selling Arabic books like "لا أحد يلعب معي" and "الشيخ المتصوف". From gripping narratives to insightful reflections, our collection spans genres, offering readers captivating stories that resonate with the depth and diversity of Arabic literature.

Introducing Menassah: The Emirati Book Distribution Platform Providing Local and Arabic Publishers and Writers with Global Reach

We're passionate about promoting local Arabic publishers and authors on a global scale. Through our platform, their works reach diverse audiences worldwide, bridging cultural boundaries and fostering appreciation for Arabic literature. We actively showcase their creations, ensuring they receive the recognition and acclaim they deserve on an international stage.


How can I publish my book in UAE?

To publish your book in the UAE, explore local publishing houses or consider self-publishing options. Research publishing guidelines, prepare your manuscript, and reach out to relevant platforms for distribution.

Where can I purchase online books written by local writers?

You can purchase online books by local writers at Menassah. We offer a diverse selection of literature from talented local authors, available for convenient online shopping.

How can I discover the best Arabic books for my reading list at Menassah?

Discover your next great read at Menassah with our curated Arabic literature collection, from bestsellers to classics. Explore categories or get personalized recommendations tailored to your taste.

What makes Menassah stand out in the world of Arabic book retail?

Explore a world of Arabic literature at Menassah. We offer an unparalleled range of books by local and international authors, coupled with quality service and competitive prices for a unique shopping experience.

Discover the Finest Collection of Books by Some of the Most Insightful Arab Writers

Embark on a literary adventure with Menassah's exquisite collection. For inquiries or to share your reading preferences, give us a ring on +971 6 506 9000 or drop an email at info@menassah.ae. Prefer a more personal touch? Fill out our contact form and let's curate your next great read together.